Coming March 2020
Fiction River: Doorways to Enchantment
Edited by Dayle A. Dermatis
The passage from real life to an imagined, magical one has fulfilled a childish yearning for many a young person, particularly those who grew up in less than desirable circumstances. Writer and editor Dayle A. Dermatis tapped into that yearning to bring together this collection of stories that take their characters through portals to fantastical worlds—although sometimes the new worlds turn out more problematic than the old ones. Still, for anyone who sees herself as the hero of her own story, these stories can’t help but tempt the imagination. And this volume itself opens a doorway to enchantment.
“Restoration” by Sabrina Chase
“In the Land of Rainbows and Ash” by Seanan McGuire
“Father Otto” by Mary Jo Rabe
“Common Cause” by David Stier
“The Higher Duty” by Leah Cutter
“The Realm That Didn’t Suck” by Robert Jeschonek
“Honed Sharp and Ready” by Brigid Collins
“Elf Help Seminar” by Stefon Mears
“Stone Tower” by Dory Crowe
“Innocence & the Asshole” by Stephanie Writt
“The Door to Nowhere” by Leigh Saunders
“You Can’t Take What I Won’t Give” by Leslie Claire Walker
“Into the Fire, the Second Time” by Chuck Heintzelman
“Fun House Mirrors” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“And the Bears Will Sing You Home” by Dayle A. Dermatis
Future Volumes